Is your relationship toxic? Take these 5 signs and analyse your situation

Table of Contents

1. You’re Constantly Second-Guessing Yourself

When you’re in a healthy relationship, you’re able to be yourself and spend time with your partner without worrying about what they think of you. But if you’re constantly second-guessing yourself, you may be in a toxic relationship.

Here are some things to look out for:

  • Do you feel like you need to ask your partner for permission to do things?
  • Does your partner often disapprove of your decisions?
  • Do you feel like you’re being punished for doing things your partner doesn’t like?
  • Do you always change your mind to accommodate your partner’s wishes?
  • Do you feel like you can’t do anything right around your partner?

2. Your Relationship is Unbalanced

Healthy relationships are give-and-take. There’s plenty of room for compromise, and you share responsibilities and decision-making. When you’re in a toxic relationship, you may find yourself doing all the work while your partner makes little or no effort.

Here are some things to look out for:

  • Does your partner refuse to share household responsibilities?
  • Does your partner make important decisions without consulting you?
  • Do you feel like you’re always the one compromising in the relationship?
  • Do you always do things your partner’s way?
  • Does your partner take advantage of you?
  • Do you feel like you’re always giving and your partner is always taking?

3. Your Partner is Jealous

Jealousy is a natural emotion, but it can become toxic when it leads to unreasonable demands or actions. You may be in a toxic relationship if your partner:

  • Doesn’t let you spend time with your family or friends
  • Refuses to let you go to work
  • Constantly accuses you of cheating
  • Gets angry when you spend time with other people
  • Is suspicious of you for no reason
  • Looks through your phone, email, or social media accounts

4. Your Partner is Controlling

When you’re in a healthy relationship, you can express yourself. Your partner respects your boundaries and gives you space to do your own thing. However, if you’re in a toxic relationship, your partner may use jealousy or possessiveness to control your actions.

Here are some things to look out for:

  • Does your partner get angry when you want to spend time with other people?
  • Does your partner often accuse you of cheating on them?
  • Does your partner get angry if you spend time with your friends or family?
  • Does your partner get upset when you talk to other people?
  • Does your partner try to control your finances?
  • Does your partner try to control your appearance?

5. Your Partner is Abusive

Abuse is a problem in many relationships. There are many different kinds of abuse, but it’s always about one person having more power than another.
Abuse is never a victim’s fault. If you’re being abused, you don’t have to put up with it.

Here are some signs of abuse:

  •  Does your partner hit, slap, or push you?
  • Does your partner pressure you to have sex?
  •  Does your partner threaten you?
  •  Does your partner call you names?
  •  Does your partner blame you for their actions?
  •  Does your partner try to control you?
  •  Does your partner humiliate you in front of other people?
  •  Does your partner make you feel like you can’t live without them?

The ending notes


A healthy relationship is one that is balanced and respectful.
Here are some qualities of a healthy relationship:

  •  Equal power and control
  • Mutual respect
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Open communication
  • Equality and fairness
  • Support

If you’re in a toxic relationship, there’s no shame in leaving. It takes strength to admit that you need help.

If you are seeking help for your relationship Email me at Thank you

One Response

  1. Let’s talk about partners of our daily life and the people we share our thoughts with, our friends. And how we set up bondories for our mental health and thoughts when nothing seems to go riight. and they suddenly need their space, regarding of the change you made about yourself for them. How we can really fix things out in order not to lose them.