My Books

Your Story

Books that provide guidance on balancing work and life.


A remarkable page-turner that will not only help you heal your inner demons but also let you take a deeper stand towards your mind-shifting process.

Shift your mindset, and watch the universe align to bring your desires to life.


‘Highly motivating and powerful!’ this book is a self-teaching guide towards controlling your brain and withstanding all the barriers that come between your happiness and dreams.

What you believe, you can achieve—manifest your vision with intention.


A short journal with words that will continually empower you on maintaining a strong focus in life in the direction of the things that you have always dreamed of.

Love is the key that unlocks every door.

About the

Claire Awada

My approach combines various methodologies, including hypnotherapy, Transpersonal counseling, and NLP coaching, to support you in reaching your fullest potential. With a commitment to viewing each client as a whole individual, I aim to provide a nurturing and comprehensive coaching experience that addresses every dimension of your life. 


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Empower your Work & Life

My dynamic services are designed to form the preferences and styles of each client. Some people see the best results from one-on-one coaching while others blossom in group settings. Still, some others require the flexibility of online courses. I offer my services in a variety of settings to bring about effective change no matter the personal needs of my clients.

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