The Details

manifestation mastery

Nothing happen by accident. You are the maker of your own destiny, consciously or unconsciously attracting the circumstances which surround you, either for your own good or bad! Our thoughts and beliefs carry energetic vibrations. A positive and growth-oriented mindset can elevate your energy, attracting positive experiences and opportunities, while a negative mindset can drain your energy and create resistance.

the key to


Feeling stuck and searching for deeper meaning? Our heartfelt program will guide you from feeling lost to finding clear direction. 



Does Any Of This Sound Like You?

  • Negative thoughts always come to ruin my day.

  • Lost and unsure about my next step.
  • Never enjoy the present moment.

  • Struggling to find a fulfilling relationship
  • I want to know how to overcome my fears

This Just might be for you...

limitless possibilities

Unlock your full potential with our Manifestation Mastery (UNFOLD YOUR FUTURE) course,  designed to help you turn your dreams into reality. Experience profound personal growth, attract abundance, and live a life of purpose and fulfillment. Join us to master the art of manifesting your deepest desires.

What’s included

Step-by-Step Training

 12 weeks of spiritual growth journey, where you’ll explore beyond the traditional goal setting and manifestation. 

valued at $2,499

Available To Download

Recorded 21 days of spiritual growth journey, You Can Watch The Course Again, And Follow The Training At Your Own Leisure

valued at $599

Monthly Group Sessions

12 weekly coaching sessions, where I’m going to show you the best next step you should do.

valued at $2499

Text Support

 You’ll never be left alone while you’re going through the program.  you can always contact me anytime by text messages.

valued at $599

what you’ll learn...

This workshop will help you reprogram your beliefs and help you understand who you really are… so that achieving your life goals will no longer be hard but fun and easy because you’re working with your subconscious mind and the universe instead of fighting against them.

  • Using your mind to create your reality.

  • Rising your consciousness beyond the ordinary, everyday existence.

  • The Impact of Intentions and how to tap into your limiting beliefs.


  • Creating intentions that help you reach your big goals
  • Let go of your past through the process of cord cutting & create space for a brand new belief system aligned with your heart’s deepest desires.

  • Combine the powerful tool of manifestation & inspired action to reach your goals easily and effortlessly.

  • And so much more!



Dr. Claire helped me realize my potential and overcome challenges to reach my goals.


pay one time


pay in two payments


Due to the nature of digital file delivery, all sales are final. See terms here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect to learn from this course?

This course will cover techniques for developing a positive mindset, mindfulness practices, and spiritual growth strategies that can help you achieve personal peace and fulfillment.

How will this course help me shift my mindset toward a more positive outlook?

The course will introduce cognitive techniques and mindfulness practices that enable you to challenge negative beliefs and cultivate a more empowering mindset.

What tools will I gain to deepen my spiritual connection?

You’ll learn meditation, journaling, and visualization techniques that enhance your spiritual awareness and foster a deeper connection to your inner self.

Can this course help me break free from self-doubt?

Yes, we’ll address self-doubt through targeted mindset strategies, helping you build confidence and trust in your abilities and intuition.

What mindset shifts can I expect during my spiritual journey?

 You can anticipate shifts toward greater self-acceptance and openness, allowing for a more profound connection with your spiritual beliefs and practices.

How will this course help me uncover my life’s purpose?

The course offers reflective exercises and guided meditations that facilitate self-discovery, helping you identify what truly motivates you and aligns with your essence.