Stop thinking of your self as a Dunce!

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Stop thinking of your self as a Dunce!

We all have the potential in varying degrees. Sometimes the people around us and we ourselves fail to see that potential in ourselves. Take an average teenager. More often that not we grow up believing that we cannot do certain things. It is not always our fault, society teaches us to think that way, our teachers and parents quite unconsciously tell us to not do this or not do that without consciously knowing that these negatives are shaping our young minds.

There is the story of this one boy who was extremely bad at math in school. He fared miserably in every test during his school life. One of the signs that made his teachers – and even himself decide that he had to be a dunce( stupid).

Ultimately, one of his teachers commented that no matter what he did in his life there was one thing he could never do and that was math. Guess who this boy was? It was one other than the Nobel Prize winning physicist and commentator on mind matters, Albert Einstein.